Major charities we currently support:


Mahavir International Vadodara Kendra

MFT Vadodara is tirelessly dedicated to uplifting children through outstanding education programs with five guiding principles:

  1. Personal assessment of each child & home

  2. No gender, caste, or religious discrimination

  3. Continuity of support for beneficiaries

  4. All administrative expenses covered

  5. Upholding self respect of beneficiaries

They have received several awards and recognition across India for their excellence. Under the pioneering and passionate leadership of our late Founder, Shyam Choudhary, CGOU has partnered with MFT to support and grow their Street-to-School programs, open Sursagar lake school for mentoring, and others.

In our first 12 months, we are proud to have raised and contributed over $150,000 to MFT Vadodara’s stellar initiatives.


Vadodara Blind Society

The Blind Society of Baroda frequently distributes money, sanitary supplies, and equipment for self sustain mental (sowing machines, covers, and laptops) to Blind members and their families in the greater region.